A new canoe in the world.
Niangua 16 canoe is a durable tripping canoe with a nice tumble home profile for a classic look.
It is 16 feet long with a beam of 32.5 inches and a stem height of 20 inches. It weighs 75 pounds? No scale yet.
The Niangua river is fed by Bennet
Springs. It is reported variously as the third or fourth largest in the state of Missouri, with an average daily flow of about one hundred million gallons and is the centerpiece of Bennett Spring State Park.
Missouri's Niangua River
One of the best fishing streams in the state, the Niangua also has the advantage of being closely associated with Bennett Spring State Park and one of the Conservation Department's trout hatcheries. Those who prefer floating to trout fishing in the park often make the park their headquarters while floating the upper sections of the river or the section immediately below the park. However, the river itself provides many fine campsites for put-in-and-go type floats. In high water, a float could be made from as high as Hwy. M, but the river above Hwy. 32 is seldom floatable.
River description Courtesy of Mo Dept of Conservation.